Friday, May 8, 2009

everything's fantasie , no doubt .

baby you're always like my alarm to wake me up .

shut the fug up hmmm !

Short updates .

First of all , an earlier wish Happy Mother's Day . actually i don't really know when is it , * coughs coughs *
Friday , Saturday or Sunday ? lol i don't care .
Auntie held a buffet dinner at her house , yes just behind my place .
alright , that's all for today .

Pictures more than words . XX

PS : fantasie impromptu rocks
PPS : i can't wait for tmrw man !

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

God knows I'd gave anything , For just one more night together .

Ours Truly - Hikaru Utada

She's "That Japanese girl" that you're going to be hearing a lot from, soon.

"Utada" is her family name, and music is the family business. Born in Manhattan to a traditional-Japanese-style-singer Mom and musician/producer Dad, she was flying frequently between New York and Tokyo before she had learned to walk. Now, 21 years old and bilingual, Utada prizes her unstable, nomadic upbringing which has instilled in her an open yet analytic mind, and the confidence to quickly adapt to any new environment.

To Utada, both metropolises are home. Then perhaps the recording studio could be called her third. There she went after school to do homework, take naps under huge speakers, and watch her parents recording music.

As naturally as a shoemaker's son takes up his father's tools, she composed and recorded her first song at age 11. At 13, she recorded her first solo album in English---she had written and composed most of the songs. A year later, a music producer at Toshiba EMI casually asked her if she was capable of writing Japanese songs. Her answer would become the first recording for her debut album, which has sold over 9 million copies since its release in 1999.

Let me guess; that number either impressed you, or it totally turned you off with the thought that she's another one of those big foreign acts that try to break the US market and can't even cause a stir. Now, let me bet, that when you hear Utada's music, you will listen hard because it is nothing like what you expected, maybe sense a smile creeping up your cheeks, and after drawing your personal opinion, look forward with wonder to how the rest of America is going to take it.

"I'm always troubled when people ask me to classify my music," says Utada. "I try to make GOOD, original music; something entertaining, different, memorable, well-crafted, and worth paying money for. Sometimes I'm as pop as The Police; sometimes as fierce as The Mars Volta, and I always, always enjoy being humorous and seductive."

In Japan, Utada quickly acquired a notoriety for sparse media exposure due to academic priorities (like... high school!). She is currently on leave from Columbia University, opting the intensity of her career over campus life. "I realized that I already knew exactly what I wanted to do. And so for the first time, I consciously chose music as a full time profession. Maybe I'll go back to University when I'm a grandmother." For now she prefers doing most of her work alone with her laptop and keyboard, sequencing and arranging, composing, and writing lyrics.

"When my music starts playing on airwaves and clubs, I want everybody to notice and say, 'Hey, this is that Japanese girl, right?!' " ...But how will we recognize her at first, with just her music? Take it from Utada who says, "I'll make sure that you know it's me."

"written by Utada"


Well , she's a Japanese but she sings english songs too . :) Recommend you people , download the latest album of Hikaru Utada , This Is The One . and visit her official site as well . Click !

a pic of mine too . :)

Turning Into : This one ( Crying Like a Child )

How can I put this I I I
I'm an independent woman, I...
I've been crying like a child
I just wanted you to know the person that I am
More than any other your fans
I would love you for a thousand years
Yours truly

I ain't gonna play it cool
Let me tell you I've tried that
Every day, and every night, your words
Ring through me
Who am I trying to fool, honey I've been living on my own
like Freddy
But I'm still a woman, baby tell me how

How could I ever love another?
How could you say you don't remember?
God knows I'd give anything
For just one more night together
Today I'll miss you more than ever
How could you say you don't remember?
This one's for the happiness I'll be wishing you forever

It's just another Friday night
For you and your accessory
And there you are before my eyes
Two hours and for fifteen minutes you are here
I don't wanna scream lest I should tear
A whisper in the darkness disappears

We should get back on the road
Like Simon and Garfunkel
Let's get married
You were all the shelter that I need above me
Who am I trying to fool
Honey I've got your ringtone on my
And I won't give a damn if only I knew how

How could I ever love another?
How could you say you don't remember?
God knows I'd give anything
For just one more night together
Today I'll miss you more than ever
How could you say you don't remember?
This one's for the happiness I'll be wishing you forever

You got me crying like a child
Ain't no need for me to lie
A hundred j-peg files fillin' up my herd-drive
You got me crying like a child
And the crowd is going wild
This one, this is the one
Come on and give it up

How could I ever love another?
How could you say you don't remember?
God knows I'd give anything
For just one more night together
Today I'll miss you more than ever
How could you say you don't remember?
This one's for the happiness I'll be wishing you forever

How could I ever love another?
How could you say you don't remember?
God knows I'd give anything
For just one more night together
Today I'll miss you more than ever
How could you say you don't remember?
This one's for the happiness I'll be wishing you forever

PS : baby it ain't easy to get over and over again .

Sunday, May 3, 2009

thank you Shontelle .

Raindrops keep falling on my head ;

weekly update ;

nothing to update lately and quiet busy . exam is just around the corner , gotta be serious and its the mid-term examination . try to control myself not spending too much time on internet .

alright , monday to thursday as usual schooling day .


Fridai , Labour Day . stayed at home study . being a good girl huh ? went to mega mall to buy some groceries and books as well . bought 12 books it costs me ninety something and i purchase em w/ my own money not dad's , miracle aite ? lmao .

you'll be thiking : Don't act like you're drinking . aren't you ?

Saturdai , leehom's concert ? he's so talented man . Guitar , bass , violin , drum set , pianos and etc .. he's a prefect ones , hard to find a star like that yet he's a blinking star .
was planning to go hiking w/ cousins but ended it rains . studied at home again . Night , went autos . first stop , mcD and continue w/ starbucks
, subway kfc and back to mcd again . having fun , fooling around w/ the cousins . hahah they're all funny ! you'll be seeing me laughing all the time . something around 12 , reached home , its our time ! *thumbs up *
Sundai , yea finally went hiking with the cousin . oh when we reached the peak it rains again ! so , ended wet fur . its a enjoyable day out w/ parents althou its raining .

PS : Think twice act Wise .
PPS : my lyfe is suck w/out you

Sneak Peak : everyone loves weekends , don't you love it too ? :) Random dai .