Sunday, May 3, 2009

thank you Shontelle .

Raindrops keep falling on my head ;

weekly update ;

nothing to update lately and quiet busy . exam is just around the corner , gotta be serious and its the mid-term examination . try to control myself not spending too much time on internet .

alright , monday to thursday as usual schooling day .


Fridai , Labour Day . stayed at home study . being a good girl huh ? went to mega mall to buy some groceries and books as well . bought 12 books it costs me ninety something and i purchase em w/ my own money not dad's , miracle aite ? lmao .

you'll be thiking : Don't act like you're drinking . aren't you ?

Saturdai , leehom's concert ? he's so talented man . Guitar , bass , violin , drum set , pianos and etc .. he's a prefect ones , hard to find a star like that yet he's a blinking star .
was planning to go hiking w/ cousins but ended it rains . studied at home again . Night , went autos . first stop , mcD and continue w/ starbucks
, subway kfc and back to mcd again . having fun , fooling around w/ the cousins . hahah they're all funny ! you'll be seeing me laughing all the time . something around 12 , reached home , its our time ! *thumbs up *
Sundai , yea finally went hiking with the cousin . oh when we reached the peak it rains again ! so , ended wet fur . its a enjoyable day out w/ parents althou its raining .

PS : Think twice act Wise .
PPS : my lyfe is suck w/out you

Sneak Peak : everyone loves weekends , don't you love it too ? :) Random dai .

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